Monday, February 8, 2016

Proverbs 10:17 NKJV

It is beneficial to those who consistently store up and receive instruction that will guide them in the right way.  Good instruction carries a valuable asset in the control of errors that could occur later in our lives.  It is best not to receive it only, but rather; keep it and not let it go.  It will do well to keep it in a protective  and pure manner as a safe guard with good values.  Then, the time will present itself that it can be used for your own use, that you may find guidance for yourself.  Therein, you will be able to help others in their time of need.  In doing so, you will find that you are in the way of life.
For those who refuse to receive instruction wilfully or stubbornly when it is offered to them, will eventually find their fault in not accepting it. They will soon find the error in judgment could have been avoided had the instruction offered been received with gratitude.  They will soon discover that instruction is a good correction based on love that can keep them from going astray.

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