Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Psalm 42:1 NKJV

This verse begins with faith toward God and a longing of holy desires of communion with him.  This Psalm expresses eloquently the suffering that the psalmist endures while away from the presence of God and the temple.  He tells of his spiritual thirst during a sad experience while in exile in verses 6 - 11.  Once he had taste and see that the Lord, is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8), his deep hunger and longing spiritual desires are knitted in the tapestry of his soul.  There is nothing else that can possibly fulfil that thirsty desire.   This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles, Psalm 34:6), nothing else could fulfil that desire that burned within his soul. 

This was a thirst of holy love thirsting and soaring up to God with holy desires as he remembered what it was like to worship His name.  His soul pants for God with a thirst that cannot be quenched, only God, as he wants more and more of Him. 

We are so very blessed and privileged to have the freedom to worship the Lord God at any time.  David was removed from such mercies when he was banished from the land of Jordan, moving him a great distance away from the courts of God's house .  We are many times apt to loathe the precious freedom, when we have plenty of it, which if we ever come to know the scarcity of his mercies would cherish it more valuable.  Once we grasp deep love for God and come to know him as the true and living God, we will pant after Him, thirst for Him, and not the ordinances themselves, but the God of the ordinances. 


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