Sunday, January 3, 2016

1 Corinthians 6:19 NKJV

The Apostle Paul is addressing and clarifying that the bodies of Christians are the temples of the Holy Spirit which is in them, and which they are of God The word body is singular and is referring to the individual believer.   His Spirit dwells in us as in that earlier inner sanctum, that sacred place.  In the New Testament the Holy Spirit comes from God as a special gift from the Father which he promised to every believer (see Acts 1:4,5).    
We grasp the proper notion of a temple as: a place where God's spirit dwells, takes up resident, lives, and occupies, and is sacred for his use.  It is set apart and separated for his use, joined to Christ as one spirit, yielded up to him, consecrated for his use, occupied by him, inhabited by him and his Holy Spirit.  Henceforth, as the inference is very plain that we are not our own; For ye are bought with a price:  therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's,  (v. 20). 
As Christians and believers of the gospel of Jesus Christ are yielded unto God, and he inhabits and occupies our inner most being by his Spirit, our bodies belong to him.  Therefore, shall we desecrate his temple, shall we defile it, or offer it up to  the  use  and  service of unrighteousness, which has no place in God? Our temple, (which here are our bodies) is the dwelling place for the Spirit of God and must  be  kept  holy, and  fit  for his use;  Because  it  is written, Be  ye  holy;  for  I  am  holy, (1 Peter 1:16). 


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