Friday, January 8, 2016

Proverbs 31:25 KJV

The happiness of the virtuous woman here is completed and crowned by the showing of a dutiful spirit of reverence for God, that is, she fears the Lord God.  She is guided and governed by principles of her conscience with a regard to God Almighty, which is preferred far greater than beauty.  She is comfortable and satisfied of her own virtue in her own mind.  The verse states that Strength and honour are her clothing, in which she wraps herself, that is, she enjoys life and presents herself to the world in that appearance.  She has the spirit to bear up under the many crosses and disappointments of which even the wisest and most virtuous woman must expect and prepare to meet in this world.  Even with her virtue, wisdom and knowledge, she is not exempt from the displeasures caused by this world.  Yet, this is her clothing for her defense to virtue.

She finds pleasure in dealing honourably with everyone, and receives delight in doing so, as she shall rejoice in time to come, wherein, she shall reflect upon with comfort in her latter days.  Her reflection will be with much comfort because she was not idled or useless when she was young.  Her reflection will be with comfort and pleasure because she will have lived to some good purpose and leaving a legacy for the next generation to follow. 

Her children speak well of her and call her blessed.  They speak of her with good words, they pray for her, and bless God that they had such a good mother - of who is given the honour of the fifth commandment commanded to be paid to the father and mother.  Her husband seizes the moment to take happiness in her that for every occasion he speaks well of her, as one of the best of women to be on the earth.  What an honour!!  Even from the community of residence, she receives good words from her neighbors, for all the people knew her to be a virtuous woman.

sablack / jhb    

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