Saturday, January 9, 2016

James 3:10 KJV

Many final decisions are the result of confusion as a rise of an unruly speech which exits the mouth of humanity.  No one has the ability or control to tame the tongue without the grace and mercy of God Almighty.  James lets us know although it is not impossible to do, but, that it is a difficult task.
Without the help of God it is a failed process, but, with God all things are possible ( Mark 10:27).

The challenge arrives at the most inopportune time when consistency is considered.  There is an expectancy of words and language used by genuine Christians to be edifying to believers and non-believers alike.  No expectation is to be heard of cursing, lying,(or false statements), boasting, and reviling from a true genuine Christians mouth; no more than to look for the fruit tree of an apple tree to bear the fruit of a pear tree or the fruit of an orange tree.  Normally, this ought not to be.  Neither can we expect, normally, for bitter water and sweet water to come from the same faucet.

Then, the genuine Christian with a sanctified heart; also, ought not have the same pouring from our mouths, curses, lies, little lies, white lies, little curse words, slip of curse words, or any sought from the vessel which belongs to the Lord for His glory.  These things ought not so to be; in Christ Jesus' name. 

Only by depending on the grace and mercy of God, that we take heed to bless all listeners and hearers and not use cursing which is not befitting to a true Christian.  Depend on the power and strength of the Spirit of God to aim and be consistent in words and actions.  Due to the order of the nature in which God has set in things, it will not allow things that are contrary to one another; to stand with one another (blessing and cursing).  It simply means that the mouth which blesses God in the utterance of prayer, praises, and worship, thanksgiving, and so forth; should not be used in cursing men at other times, that is, during an embittered controversy: ought not so to be. 

Be Blessed!


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