Saturday, January 2, 2016

Psalm 37:23 NKJV

Psalm 37:23 NKJV

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord--or established by the Lord.  The word "ordered" means to stand erect; to set up; to adjust, to fit, to direct.  Here in this verse is, that all which pertains to the journey of life of a good man is directed, ordered, fitted and controlled by the Lord.  His journey through life is under the divine direction and command of God.  The word "step" means his course of life taken; or the way in which he goes.

Life steers through many dominating influences while traveling this trail, yet, there shall never be a boulder that will cause the driver to get off track.  The one who has chosen God for his friend, shall have a secure travel through many dangerous areas with many beast of prey along the way.  He will go through protected and shielded from the world because his shelter is safely in the Lord.

The steps of a good man, that is, of the righteous, the blessed man, mentioned here are ordered  by God.  They are directed, or disposed and so governed to attain the end at which he aims to arrive.  His journey will be accomplished in strength so established that he will not stumble nor fall into mischief while traveling on this trail. Though he may fall into distress or trouble while making the steps to his planned destiny, he shall not be cast down. He is following the path set before him by the Lord who is ordering his steps and before him awaits the blessing of God, and the sweetness and security of all earthly enjoyment.  No good thing will the Lord withhold from him.  God's grace and His Spirit will direct his thoughts, affections, desires, and designs to make the steps set before him.

Then, the Lord, delights in his way, that is, those ways come from the Lord and the good man is obedient to follow them.  He orders your steps and He delights in your way.  He does not always show His way while traveling for a distance, yet, as He leads, step by step, as children are led, the Lord will keep him from the ruins of life. The good man is the object of the blessing of the Lord, the object of divine favor, and is under the care and protection of God. 

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