Friday, November 20, 2015

1 Peter 5:7 NKJV

1 Peter 5:7 NKJV

Here in this passage Peter wrote to the Christians of Asia Minor to encourage them, to explain to them why suffering occurs, and to remind them of their eternal reward at the end of this earthly life.
They were under very hard circumstances, therefore, he wanted to excite in them an abundance of care and about issues which might be difficult to themselves, their families, their leaders, and also, the church belonging to God.  Foreseeing this anxious care would be a heavy burden, he gives them the best advice and support it with a strong point.  His advice is to cast all their care, all cares of themselves, upon God. This is to "throw your cares" which are so cutting and distracting, which wounds your souls and pierce your hearts, upon the wise and gracious providence of God.  We as well, should trust in the Lord God Almighty with a firm and absolute composed mind, for he careth  for you.  The Lord God is willing to release you of all your cares, and take the cares upon himself.
Even the best of Christians are many times apt to labor under the burden of anxious and excessive care, but, Peter calls it all your care of which implies that the cares varies and are of more sorts than one.  Some are personal cares, some are family cares, some cares are for the present time, some are for the future, some are for themselves, some for others, and some for the church.  Whatever they maybe for, if they distract our minds and hinders our delightful service for our God, and Savior Jesus Christ, then, the best remedy is to get rid of all of them:  Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1Peter 5:7).  He really does care for us!!

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