Saturday, November 21, 2015

Proverbs 24:3-4 NKJV

Proverbs 24:3-4   NKJV

The message relayed in these verses from Solomon shows that a man with prudent management, may raise his house and family by lawful and honest means, with a good conscience, a good name, the blessing of God upon his business (industry) and, yet, these will last a great deal longer.
He recommends to us as having the greatest influence upon outward prosperity is wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  True wisdom in managing the affairs of life all comes from God.  One of the advantages of true wisdom, is that, it will make the outward affairs prosperous and successful.  It will build a house and establish it. 
Many branch out to build their houses by unrighteous practices, but they cannot establish them, for the foundation is  not  a sound and good foundation.  When honestly gotten, it will wear like steel and last to be an inheritance to even their children's children.  The enrichment that results will furnish a house completely with all and abundantly more  than is desired. 
Those that manage their affairs with wisdom and knowledge and diligent in using lawful means for increasing what they have and  spending in charity will have their shops, their warehouses, their businesses filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  It will be precious because it was gotten by honest labor, and the substance of a diligent man is precious and pleasant because it is enjoyed with holy cheerfulness.  A wise man is in strength, as a stronghold, for a man of knowledge strengthens might, that is, he increases it.

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