Saturday, April 2, 2016

Proverbs 11:2 NKJV

There are many of the proverbs that contrast the arrogant and the humble, as we read in this verse.  As we look at the Hebrew word for pride, it comes from a root word that means "to boil up", wherein it refers to raging arrogance or insolence (meaning a rude and disrespectful behavior), and this image of a non-believer always leads to shame.  The Bible tells us God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. 

Here we note that he who humbles himself is exalted and given a high character, but with the proud there is foolishness and shame, and so with the lowly there is wisdom and honour given to him. The man who has gained wisdom also gains respect, and it causes him to shine before men for God will give them grace which comes from the humility and will be for his glory.


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