Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Psalm 3:3 KJV

David is at a point in life wherein even his friends had become his enemies and giving him advice that no one would help him, not even his God.  His flight with his son Absalom is tied to the setting in this Psalm and it brings him to a powerful and strong confession to trust more in God.  His son Absalom troubled him greatly.  David's lamenting unto the Lord God as; But thou, O Lord art a shield for me; suffering grave dejection (a sad and depressed state) arriving from his friends, who now were his enemies, to be transformed into confidence beyond understanding.

           He knew when no one else would help him, God was his shield
           He knew when he had nothing to treasure, God was his glory.
           He knew when no one else would encourage him, God would lift his head.
           He knew when his son, family, friends, love one's, those who promised to be 
           there through thick and thin, yet, failed him, God would protect, provide
           and cover him.

David professed a confidence and proclaimed a dependence in God that the more his enemies, and even his son, Absalom reproached him the stronger his hold became and the closer he cleaved to God.  He cries out to God; (vs. 4) I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.  No matter the treatment coming from his enemies, let them say what they will; he was positive that, But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.  David had no doubt that the Lord God would be his shield, cover him, never desert him, and I will never stop trusting in You for you have proven yourself faithful so many times.  Thou art my glory, my true honor, and it is far greater than  that which man offers, but, You are the glory of your people (see Isa.60:19).
Thou art the lifter up of mine head, of which David knew He was his joy and his Deliverer for it was God Almighty who lifted up his head out of his troubles, and restore to him his dignity again,  in due time.  Then, David would be able to look over his troubles and no more would he walk with the heavy load where with he felt drooped down and discouraged.  Never allow friends, nor so called friends, enemies, nor loved ones  to place heavy weights of discouragement that troubles your spirit, which will cause you to doubt God.  If He has done it before, he will do it again.  Trust in Him. 


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