Saturday, March 5, 2016

Proverbs 4:7 KJV

Precepts and exhortations are in order in this scripture to take every effort toward our children to make sure they receive all wisdom and knowledge possible from parents while young in age.  They will at best be beneficial if at the time of giving they hear and receive them, attend to them, absorb them; and live by them that they may be in their hearts.  Hear; O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many, ( Prov. 4:10).
Wisdom and understanding aims at getting wisdom which is the principal thing.  It is the best to be gotten and there is none greater.  Nothing else can measure higher than it.  This wisdom is priceless for it comes from God.  No matter how high the education level, get this wisdom and get  understanding; which is the fear of the Lord.  Therefore, if we have to pray for it, or suffer pain for it, sit at wisdom's gate, be diligent toward those things to help attain it, that there may be power over those things that sit in wait to destroy you. 
Reach for it above all others which become available, and when the opportunity presents itself, get wisdom and understanding by experiences, through follies and pains, through saddness and loss of love ones, through broken hearts.  Most of all, get this wisdom and understanding above trying to obtain the wealth of this world.  It is greater than the highest achievement, and upon getting it, keep focused to hold onto her forever.  Wisdom and understanding will never be a disappointment to you, but, rather, will always hold her value until the end of time. 

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