Friday, March 4, 2016

Mark 4:39 NKJV

During the storm in the sea Christ commanded the wind, storm and waves to stop vehemently blowing and roaring in the sea.  To the disciples the storm appeared to be a threat; very dangerous and terrifying.  However, Christ, Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: (Philippians 2:6) and therefore, said in his God given authority to rebuke the wind, and speak to the sea the command to calm. Peace, be still.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,(Matthew 28:18).  As he arose, and rebuked the wind,  he proved himself to be one with God who made the seas, and he can also command them with all authority to be quiet. Peace, be still.  

The same in One, Christ Jesus our Lord spoke with the Commander-In-Chief authority and power given to him by the Father to the wind and sea; and he can do the same in our lives.  This is a word of command to us; as our hearts become troubled like the sea and cannot rest, and our passions are up and roaring like a tumultuous wind, and the issues of life are weighing us down, and our homes and marriages are crumbling and sinking like a ship, and sickness may be taking over our bodies, let us become quiet that we may hear him when he speaks to the storms of life with power and authority.  He speaks with a calming power, a peaceful power,  a delivering power, mending a broken heart power, and  a healing power in all things wherein we have need.  He speaks with words of command, Peace, be still; and there will be a great calmBehold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh:  Is there any thing too hard for Me?( Jeremiah 32:27 )   No, Lord God Almighty, there is not!  For with God nothing shall be impossible, (Luke 1:37).   


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