Friday, January 22, 2016

Isaiah 41:13 NKJV

Isaiah 41:13 NKJV

God bared His right hand at the first Exodus in order to destroy the power of Pharaoh.  The phase indicates His sovereignty and strength over all who oppose Him.  The Lord God will hold the exiles right hand just as He held the hand of Moses. The scope of this verse is to silence the fear, and encourage the faith, of the servants of God in the midst of distress.  It  is  to en-courage all that faithfully serve Him through patience and comfort of this scripture that they may have hope.  This verse gives hope to anyone to fear not the stresses of the enemy and doubt not the promises of God.  Fear  not  of  perishing  in affliction or that the promise of your Deliverer shall fail.  It is against the mind of God that his people should be a timorous people.

God assures his people that they may depend upon his presence with them as their God.  He assures them that he is All-sufficient in the worst of times.  God is able to do what he has promised and there is non-other comparable to Him.

Observe in the verse the level of tenderness with which He speaks and how willing he is to let the heirs of promise know the immutability of his counsel, and how desirous he is to make them be at ease.  Fear not, I will help you. God is not just within
calling range, but he is ever present with thee;  for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, Hebrews 13:5.  His encouragement to the people to be not dismayed at the power of those that are against them, for He is their God.  If there is weakness, I will strength thee.  If there is destitution of friends, I will be a friend in the time of need; a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, Prov. 18:24b.  If there is a moment of sinking or ready to fall; God will uphold you with the right hand of his righteousness, a hand filled with righteousness and rewards. It is promised that God will strengthen their hands, that is, He will help them.  He will hold their right hand, meaning:  He will go hand in hand with thee, and taking you by the hand as a guide to lead you in the right direction, yet, in all, He is holding you by the right hand. 

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