Thursday, April 28, 2016

Psalm 83:4 KJV

Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation:  Try to envision God's (YAH) attitude and his position toward those who plot the destruction of His people clearly;  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed(Gen. 12:1-2).  His curse will rest on them. 

Asaph here is simply praying that YAH would show action according to His promise.  Nations plotted against Israel, YAH's chosen nation, for its ruin and extirpation (to remove or destroy totally; do away with) to be cut off as a nation, to have no root or branch, to have no name to be remembered.  They wanted Israel (the Israelites) to have no history and be perfectly never to have existed.  This type of destruction would go as far as destroying their Bibles and burning all their records; and rewriting their Bible to reflect their own languages, changing the name of the Almighty YAH, changing  their worshipped day, (Sabbath Day) on Saturday; which is the seventh day of the week, to Sunday; which is the first day of the week, and much more.

History reveals that they tried to remove the name of the Messiah. The Graeco-Roman World worshipped Zeus as their supreme deity, and Zeus was their savior.  The name of the true Israelite Messiah, Yahshua (Yehoshua), being Hebrew, was objectionable by the Greeks and Romans, who actually hated the Judeans (Jews) and so it was deleted from the records, to be remembered no more and a new name inserted. 

The enmity between the serpent's seed and the seed of the woman was to not have believers in Christ, (Hameshiach), the Messiah, the anointed one by YAH, at all in this world, that no such thing as religion would be among humankind.  If the world was powerful enough to banish all senses of religion from which these nations who aimed to cut off Israel from being a nation; hearts have already done, they would gladly get rid of it from all mankind, all its laws and rules, all its restraints and obligations, all its fairness and regulations, all that teaches, preaches, professes, proclaims, practices, all would be cut off.  If it were in their power, all these things and many others, they would do to cut off Israel.  But, He that sits in Heaven and knows what's going on down on earth, has all in His control.

Knowing this, the same God (YAH) who battled Israel's enemies in the past would fight all those who might oppose His truly  chosen people in the past, present and future, and, in the right now.


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