Saturday, April 16, 2016

Proverbs 27:4 KJV

A person who reacts to the passions that are uncontrollable, reacts with the wrath of a fool, and when anger arises will have no cares of what is said nor what is done.  This type of behavior can bring great pain and devastation to those who may surround such a one.  The wrath of an unstable person weighs heavy on those whereas enrage has been focused and many times includes innocent loved one's who are caught up in the wraths of a foolish mischievous behavior.

One who has been dressed in the wisdom of God provided through Christ Jesus will react in a manner that will not annoy such a person; but rather, will pray and if possible, remove from the present situation.  This is true, wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous, and dreadful when it involves secret enmity towards another person withholding envy against the person with a desire to seek revenge against him is much more mischievous.  Stay your distance and respond in prayer.



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