Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

We must have a high, diligent, and continual regard for the Almighty God’s providence and our dependence upon it in every area of our lives, through both faith and prayer.  We must rest in confidence of the wisdom, power, and goodness which comes from God.  We must put our Trust in the Lord with all thy hearts, and be confident that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Eph. 3:20); what he said he will do, and what we have asked of him.   He is able to do what is best for us; that is, if we love and serve him in obedience.  He is able to do it and wise enough to perform that which is best for us. 

We must trust in Him enough to resolve any situations, issues and circumstances that may arrive in our lives.  Therefore, we must focus our minds to be satisfied with the way he chooses to handle it and not lean to our own understanding.  We are able to see the present results, but God is able to see deep into the future and knows the results of a present resolution even unto the end of it.  Our understanding of a temporary fix is certainly to fail us, but God’s solving a problem is eternal.  We must be confident enough to trust in the Lord's wisdom, power, goodness and promises to know what is best for us so that we may Trust in the Lord with all our hearts.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, for those who faithfully followed the pillar of clouds by day and pillar of fire by night, shall find that though it may lead them in a roundabout right way, yet, the trust in the Lord is that it will bring them to the land of Canaan filled with milk and honey.  That is, we are not leaning to our own understanding; but, we are trusting in the Lord, in whom we believe is; Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, all loving and all wise, who never made a mistake, nor lost a battle.


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