Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Matthew 6:26 NKJV

We look at the fowls of the air, and their many different species, some having a ravenous appetite; and, yet, they do not starve due to a lack of food.  All of them are not as fortunate as the others, wherein, many are placed in a surrounding operated by man to receive food provided day after day without searching for it.  On the other hand, the fowls who lack this provision are all fed with food that is convenient for their everyday needs.  It is very rare that they perish due to a lack of food availability.  We do not know how, but, they receive an adequate food supply all year round.

The fowls are fed without any care or sowing any grains, or even planting of their own.  They neither gather food to be put in barns or kept for the future, cold winter days, or for a rainy day.  Yet, as each day comes and goes, somehow provisions are made for them.  Are ye not much better than they?   Yes, we certainly are.  As God and Father of us all, and fellow heirs with his SonJesus Christ, we are dearer and nearer to God; we are his children, and he that feeds his birds surely will not starve his children.  

Scripture tells us:  But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you, (Matthew 6:33).  If the birds trust in our Heavenly Father's providence, will we not also trust in him more than they?  We must absolutely trust Him that he will do even greater for His children.  It is not for us to know how he will do it, nor where he will do it, but, by faith we know that there is nothing to hard,  nor nothing impossible for Him, but if he said he will do it, I believe it!!  How about you?   


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