Monday, January 18, 2016

Psalm 139:14 KJV

As an attribute to David, this psalm is a mixture of a wisdom and descriptive praise which is not uncommon in the Psalms.  This verse celebrates God's creation of David from the very moment of his conception.  The thoughts God had toward David are innumerable and  unchangeable.  David affirms that the work of God in his life is so awesome that it extends all the way back to his development in his mother's womb.

He praises God for an awesome tapestry of how he has woven him together.  He makes known the awe of a description of the work of God's creation while in his mother's womb.  How amazing his description which is yet to this day not fully understood by all the modern technology and science that is available.  By David's statement, I am fearfully and wonderfully made can be rephrased by saying, I am an awesome wonder (Ps. 8). 

The development of the fetus was something very mysterious to the ancients.  And, it still is to the modern world today.  The study of the embryo development and its growth is still a mystery and will continue to remain as so.  However, we know that God is the Creator and will forever remain as such.  He has done great and marvelous and unsearchable wonders, in the workmanship of his hands. 


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