Monday, February 22, 2016

Matthew 7:18 KJV

This is truth.  There is a way to be able to tell false teachers from teachers of the truth of God, and that is by their fruits.  In this text fruits refer to more than their deeds: it includes their doctrine as well,  (see Matt.16:12;     1 John 4:1-3).  Anyone speaking in the name of God is to be tested by the doctrines of the Scriptures.  There should not be an offense (anger, annoyance) if we take the steps to do so, for we are instructed to beware of false teachers and prophets, (see Deut. 18:20-22).  The same principles in the ancient of days still hold true for us today. 
You cannot always tell the difference between teachers by their outward appearance, but you can by their inward fruits (or principles) which flows out from them. The fruit is exactly according to the type of tree it is.  If you know the type of tree before you, then, you may know what kind of fruit to expect. Never, never look to gather grapes from thorns, nor figs from thistles; it just will not happen.  It is not in the nature of the tree or vine to produce such fruitsA good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, as an apple may become stuck and a bunch of grapes may hang upon a thorn; liken to a good truth or a good word or deed coming from a bad person, but, the likelihood is it never grew there.  Corrupt, unsanctified hearts are liken to thorns and thistles which come in with sin and are useless.
Good fruits are good works as grapes and figs are pleasing to God and profitable to men.  Good fruit is never to be expected from evil men, they are what their nature allows them to be, just as you would not expect a clean thing to come forth from an unclean thing.  Out of a corrupt tree or evil tree will flow evil fruits or evil works.  And from a good tree will flow good fruit and the truth of God, for that is what's on the inward parts.
       This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, 
       and in him is no darkness at all, (1 John 1:5).
       And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin, (1 John 3:5).


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