Monday, February 1, 2016

Luke 2:14 KJV

Glory refers to praise given to God for his awesome works he has done.  The phrase good will toward men here states that people are the object of God's good will that is given on earth.  During ancient Judaism, the phrase described a limited group of people who were the objects of God's special grace.  The promise of peace (Luke 1:79) and good will would come to those who welcomed God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into their hearts as the most precious gift given to mankind.
The majestic message delivered  by one angel was also joined by others, (a multitude) of the heavenly hosts, that even the shepherds could hear at their location; praising God for his awesome work.  They were singing a song giving honour to God:  Glory to God in the highest, and good will toward men for sending the Messiah to the earth.  Jesus would bring the kind of peace that the world can not give and can not take away.  Glory to God for his kindness and love to send the Saviour of the world, His Son, Jesus Christ.  Man will have the pleasure to enjoy his wonderful works who are the objects of his good will, as man is made in His image, and in His likeness (Gen.1:26). 
On earth, God's good will in making a way and sending the Messiah will be experienced by men through peace on earth.  All the good we will ever have or experience or could ever hope for is in honour and praise to God's goodwill, therefore, of God's good will, if we can have the comfort of it, surely, He is due the honor, praise and glory of it.  Many other works done by God are for His glory, but this one, him sending his Son for the redemption of the world is for his glory in the highest.    

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