Sunday, December 6, 2015

Matthew 5:14 KJV

Matthew 5:14   KJV

All Christians are called to be light in the Lord.  We are told in scripture that, For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light (Eph. 5:8).  Jesus Christ call himself  Light of the world (John 8:12), and they are workers together with him.  The light truly is sweet, it is welcome; the light of the first day of the world was so, when it shone out of darkness; so is the morning light of every day; most definitely is the gospel, and those that help to spread it, to all the world.  Christ raised up his disciples to shine in them; and, that they may do so, from him they borrow and derived their light.  And, as Christians, so do we.
As the light of the world, they are illustrious and conspicuous, and have  many eyes upon them.  Those who are forward and zealous in his services, become noticeable, and are taken notice of as beacons.  They are as signs and cause people to wonder at the  peculiar life they lived.  There are some who admired them, some who commended them, some rejoiced in them, some who studied to imitate them; some envied them, some hated them, some censured them, and some studied to blast them.   They take precaution to walk circumspectly, because of their observers; they are as spectacles to the world, and must take heed of every thing that looked ill, because they are so much looked at under a magnifying glass. 

And, as Christians, so are we.  Jesus Christ will  honour those that honour him.

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