Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Proverbs 4:23 NIV

Consider the many ways we must make much use from the value of words of wisdom for they will be food and physic (relating to the soul and mind) to the body and soul.  Those who seek words of wisdom and find them, find them and keep them, shall find in them a valuable nourishment to be kept in good health.  Words of wisdom are like medicine to the body and can deter corruption which lie in wait for the lack thereof.  For that reason, it is required of us to keep, to get, and to preserve wisdom that we may guard our hearts from all dangers.
God has given humanity a soul,  as a man and woman, to take charge over our hearts, and; to keep thy heart, (Deut. 4:9) in safe guard.  We must set a strict hedge around all avenues of the heart and soul, to keep our hearts from being involved in hurtful things, from getting hurt, to keep the heart from being defiled with sinful thoughts, because everything you do flows from the heart; keep it from being disturbed by trouble, or, from being distracted from the focal point of becoming more like Christ Jesus. The heart is a precious jewel and we must keep it pure as the jewel it is.  It must not become stained by the rust particles that can become debris and clot the main channels from whence the issues of life flows.    
Let us keep our hearts with care and diligence more than we would keep anything else.   Why?  Because out of heart flows the issues of life.  From a well kept heart will flow godly love, divine care for one another, words of encouragement to a broken heart, words that will caress a hurting soul, and never a harsh word to which you will need to ask forgiveness, or say, I'm sorry for later.  The glory of God and the edification of others will flow from the value of the words of wisdom.  Guard your heart!!


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