Thursday, November 19, 2015

Philippians 2:5 KJV

Philippians 2:5 KJV

Here is given a gospel pattern proposed to our imitation, and that is the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believer's must be of Christ's mind.  We must bear a resemblance to his life, if we would have the benefits of his death.  All godly actions begins with the renewing of the mind, Romans 12:2.  Right thinking produces right actions.  Our actions are the fruit of our deepest thoughts. In thinking and being like Christ are requirements not only for and individual but also for the corporate body of believers. 

Now what was the mind of Christ like?  To start, He was eminently humble, and this is what we are particularly to learn of him.  Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, Mt.11:29.  If we were lowly-minded, we should be like-minded; and, if we were like Christ, we should be lowly-minded. We must walk in the same spirit and in the same steps with the Lord Jesus, who humbled himself to sufferings and death for us; not only to satisfy God's justice, and pay the price of our redemption, but to set us an example, and that we might follow his steps.

Together we need to think and act like one being, and that is like the Person of Jesus Christ.   

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